Life is hard, then you develop a hemorrhoid. Sound familiar? Your damn right it sounds familiar. But it doesn’t have to be this way. You see you and only you have the ability, hell the power, to overcome Big Pharma and finally stick it up their ass for a change. How you ask? It’s simple:

#1. Stop “Believing” Everything They Tell You and Start Becoming What You Know To be True! Get it?!

#2. Do Your Own Research and Stop Treating Your Asshole Like a Fool! Got it?!

#3. Use Silver and Finally SEE and FEEL Results for a Change! Good!

Listen, we get it, your a busy guy. You got a lot on your plate. But stop for a minute and think about what really matters in your life. It’s hard not to put the health and well being of your ass in the top first or second rung. So STOP playing their game and START freeing yourself from a lifetime of pain.

Look, we live in a free country, its about time your asshole gets a taste of that freedom too.

Ya dig?

